The Discovery summary (bsc sem 4)

The Discovery is a one act play which dramatizes the events of the night before Columbus had discovered American land. It uses his character to tackle questions of fame, authority, bravery and human desires. It is a fine character study.

Kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati:

Whole play is set on board the ship 'Santa Maria'. At first we are introduced to Diego and Juan who are on quarter deck are talking to each other about Columbus. Diego criticizes Columbus for his authoritative manner. Juan, however, is less verbal in his opinions. We learn that sailors want to go home but columbus has not agreed. Pedro, an officer comes and sees these two. He starts conversation but Diego's anger makes it bitter. However, Columbus enters and dismisses the sailors. Pepe, a page boy hides and listens to captain and officer talking.

They are talking about temper of the crew. Pedro argues that sailors are simple men and they want to return to home. It has been more than two months and they are in uncharted seas. They are fearful that the ship might get lost. Pedro himself believes that nature will not allow them to know everything in the world. But Columbus disagrees with him and says that it is God's will that they continue their voyage. He orders Pedro to stop sailors from singing a song. When he is alone, Pepe comes. We can see Columbus has some soft corner for Pepe as he praises him.

Pedro returns but singing is still going on. A sailor named Fransisco comes and has a heated argument with Columbus. He accuses Columbus of being mad, authoritative and cruel to sailors. Columbus says that they have to do their duty but Fransisco makes it clear that they have lost their patience. Singing turns into roaring and crowd of sailors comes up the quarter deck. They demands to turn the ship towards Spain, but Columbus doesn't move. They threaten him, but he doesn't show any fear. He goes up to quarter deck and shows his authority over them. Sailors try to climb up there but Pepe stands in between. This makes Columbus emotional and he gives a heart rending speech about human existence. He says that every other thing is temporary in this world, only man and his dream lives on.

This changes the mood of the scene as sailors feel guilty and goes back to their duty. At that instant Columbus tells Pedro that he had seen something two minutes ago. He again looks and points out. It is a light. That means land is near. Whole ship is filled with shouts of joy as they learn about it. Play ends with Columbus authoritatively ordering to heave to. 


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