Q & A for Computers

Q.1 Write a short note on History of computer.

A computer is a machine that can process, store and retrieve information. Computer is used today for various human activities. We use computer in our routine today. However, history of computer tells us how a machine evolved and became a center of our activity.

From early times machines like abacus were used for mathematical calculations. It was around 1940s when first computers were built. They were still more of calculation machines. One function it did was to decode nazi coded messages. It also helped to perfect artillery calculations. This were made out of necessity in the war.

Second generation computers came around 20 years later. Now computers could do more than just calculations. They were also built to process data which were stored previously. These computers were as large as drawing rooms. Huge gear mechanism was required to make it function properly.

Third generation computers came after some years. These computers were smaller in size and faster in work speed as they were made from integrated circuits. That made them cheaper in price. These computers could store, search and retrieve more fast than previous ones.

Fourth generation of computers came in late seventies. Revolution in integrated circuit made it possible to fix whole computer circuit on single chip. It brought changes into society as computers became a general product to be sold and bought in the market.

Fifth generation of computers were built with IQ, ability to reason logically and with real knowledge in the world.

Q.2 Detail out various functions of computers.

A computer is a machine that can process, store and retrieve information. Computer is used today for various human activities. It is a versatile machine which is useful in various areas of human activity. Here are some of its functions:

  1. Computer is used in office modernization. We use it to make documents and prepare databases. Even mailing and video calling technology has contributed to take globalization to the next level.
  2. Database in shopping mall, factories, medical stores and library are prepared on a computer. It is easy to search and cross reference products with data when it is on computers. One can see the current stock, predict how much will be needed more, take out summary of last month's activity and so on.
  3. Hotels are using computers to make human interaction smooth. We can book and cancel rooms via computer. We can see the automated bill of expenses.
  4. Office documentation and graphic designing are most used function professionally. Softwares like word and powerpoint help us format and review documents on screen in no time.
  5. Factory automation brings speed, accuracy and quality to production of any product. System of various machine working harmony with each other makes it possible to produce millions of similar products in very less time.
  6. In places like thermal power plant, oil refineries and chemical industries computers are used to process dangerous elements with safety measures and precautions impossible for humans.
  7. Traveling services are using computers to book tickets, make early reservation and to impart information on current status of the flight, bus or train.
  8. Architects use computers to count strength and design measure for future safety and layout of the proposed plans.
  9. Networking enables computers to connect with each other which can bring global level information of home desktops.


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