Importance of Communication

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Communication is a transference of a message from a sender to receiver.
We have established that communication is about passing information from one side to other side. We communicate almost every moment in our daily lives. From waking up to going to sleep we pass through hundreds of cycles of communications. By now we must understand that without communication our interactions with each other would not be possible. In an organisation, communication plays important role. It makes the daily routine of an organisation possible. Any organisation would follow certain chains in communications and would achieve better. Here is how communication becomes important in any organisation:

1) Basis for coordination/action
               Communication is necessary to pass information. In organisation passing information becomes primary work as modern office work are based on information. For example, a clerk will need to have necessary documents stating rules of office by someone at higher position. This will enable him to follow his work properly. Also, information regarding work needs to be spread out within an organisation. Only through communication such spreading of information is possible. So we can say that communication is he base for any action that happens within an organisation.

2) Decision making
               Organisations works on and for decisions. Like a corporate office may need to make a decision on how to deal a purchase or it has to hire professionals for specific positions. They will have to make a plan and arrive at a mutual decision on how they will proceed. For this various authorities within organisation need to get together and communicate with other. This will enable them to know other’s perspective and make a decision that would prove beneficiary to the organisation.

3) Planning
               Planning is essential in any organisation. It helps to create a long lasting purpose. It helps them make necessary changes according to goal of organisation. It enables better production and sales. For this various departments/teams/people within an organisation needs to relay information to each other and follow orders accordingly. Communication helps in spreading such planning information.

4) Leadership
               A leader needs to have good communication skills. The reason for that is his or her position. He/she becomes central to the subordinates below him/her. That is why a leader need to have proper skills required to communicate with variety of people. He also need to understand underlying meanings in the messages. So, without  communication a leader may not be proven efficient.

5) Boosts morale of employees
               Communication is also an interaction of ideas or emotion. As employees are human, work may put them through stress. Failure in meeting targets also create disappointment in employees. Misuse of power by authorities may result in frustration. In short, a human employee needs to get refreshed from time to time. As communication is interaction, it helps an employee to get motivation from other employees or superior and communication can be said to help in boosting his or her morale for good work.

As the above points elaborate, communication is necessary for any organisation. It is important as it helps in decision making and planning. It holds key to make organisation and it leadership better. We can say communication is inevitable.


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