Oral Communication

Oral communication means spoken communication or communication through speech.
Any communication where mouth is used to speak messages is oral communication. Most of times we communicate orally. In personal life and professional situations we primarily use this mode of communication. It is used in face to face conversation, on calls, in interviews, in presentation, in media etc.

Advantages of Oral communication

1) Immediate feedback
Oral communication generates immediate feedback. That makes speaker aware about impact his/her message is creating. So, there remains scope for improvisation.

2) Time saving
Oral communication takes very little time in generating and transmitting the message. So, it is relatively faster than written communication.

3) Economical
Oral communication doesn’t require any tools which makes it economical.

4) Flexibility
With help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey different shades of meaning which is not possible in written communication.

5) Immediate clarification
Oral communication provides an opportunity to the speaker to correct herself and clarify by changing voice, pitch and tone etc. This makes communication effective as the messages are clarified immediately to avoid misunderstanding.

Disadvantages of Oral communication

1) Poor retention
The listener can’t retain and remember the whole message for long time. Most of time even speaker can’t remember what exact words were used in communication. That makes oral communication not useful if message is needed to retain.

2) Time consuming
Oral communication can be time consuming instead of time saving in many scenarios. If someone has to convey same message to many people than oral communication will consume much time. If someone asks unnecessary questions to speaker then also it consumes time.

3) Lengthy messages
Oral communication is not suitable for transmitting lengthy messages because there is likelihood of vital parts being missed.

4) Lack of responsibility
As oral communication can not be recorded properly, sometimes it becomes difficult to hold a person responsible for mistakes or inaccuracy.

5) Imprecise
People usually take less care when speaking than when writing. So, spoken words tens to be less precise than the written words.  


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