A Bachelor's Complaint on Behavior of Married People by Charles Lamb
kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati: Lamb has discovered a number of weaknesses in married people and has therefore found much consolation in his state of bachelor-hood. It is not the quarrels of husbands and wives that console him for having remained unmarried. What offends him at the houses of married persons is that they are pretending as they are in love. He has found that a husband and a wife constantly try to produce the impression that they are very fond of each other. This display of married happiness is an insult to a bachelor. If a man enjoys some monopoly, he should keep it as much out of sight as possible so that others may not question his right to the monopoly. But married people go out of their way to make bachelors conscious of the monopoly of marriage, which they enjoy. They air of complete satisfaction which a newly married couple wear on their faces is especially offensive to Lamb. Lamb does not understand why marri...