
A Bachelor's Complaint on Behavior of Married People by Charles Lamb

kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati: Lamb has discovered a number of weaknesses in married people and has therefore found much consolation in his state of bachelor-hood. It is not the quarrels of husbands and wives that console him for having remained unmarried.   What offends him at the houses of married persons is that they are pretending as they are in love. He has found that a husband and a wife constantly try to produce the impression that they are very fond of each other.   This display of married happiness is an insult to a bachelor. If a man enjoys some monopoly, he should keep it as much out of sight as possible so that others may not question his right to the monopoly. But married people go out of their way to make bachelors conscious of the monopoly of marriage, which they enjoy. They air of complete satisfaction which a newly married couple wear on their faces is especially offensive to Lamb. Lamb does not understand why marri...

A cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield

kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati: Rosemary Fell, a very rich and well off woman, who has been married for two years to a very rich and devoted man Mr. Philips Fell, spends her day out shopping at some west corners of London in the finest of shops. She visits an ingratiating antique dealer’s shop that shows her a beautiful small blue velvet box. Rosemary is taken by the beauty of the creamy piece of art but decides not to buy it and asks the shopkeeper to save it for her. Out she comes from the shop into the rain and as she reaches towards the car a girl approaches her asking her to pay for the price of a cup of tea. Astonished, Rosemary asks the girl to come home with her for tea, finding it an opportunity of adventure and experience, just like she read in books and stories of Dostoevsky. She wanted to show the girl that rich people do posses mercy. The girl agrees apart from her great fears to ride with Rosemary in her car. As they reach the house, R...

The Spectator Club by Rechard Steele

Kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati:

Oral Communication

Oral communication means spoken communication or communication through speech. Any communication where mouth is used to speak messages is oral communication. Most of times we communicate orally. In personal life and professional situations we primarily use this mode of communication. It is used in face to face conversation, on calls, in interviews, in presentation, in media etc. Advantages of Oral communication 1) Immediate feedback Oral communication generates immediate feedback. That makes speaker aware about impact his/her message is creating. So, there remains scope for improvisation. 2) Time saving Oral communication takes very little time in generating and transmitting the message. So, it is relatively faster than written communication. 3) Economical Oral communication doesn’t require any tools which makes it economical. 4) Flexibility With help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey different shade...

Seven C's of Communication

It is important to have effective communication. Even if we complete the communication cycle, it may lack effectiveness. Which can result as a barrier in whole process. Effectiveness ensures that meaning intended by sender is conveyed to the receiver. For that seven qualities can be useful. They are as under: •         Correctness •         Clarity •         Conciseness •         Completeness •         Consideration •         Concreteness •         Courtesy 1) correctness Correctness means using language in the right way. That includes grammatical correctness as well as correct information. If there are too many grammatical mistakes than message may mean different from what the sender had intended. If it has incorrect...

Formal and Informal Communication

Formal Communication is the communication which flows through pre-defined or official channels. Ex. Superior ordering to subordinate, Students asking to teacher, making inquiries at an office Types of formal communication: Single Chain In this type of network communication flows from every superior to his subordinate through a single chain. Wheel In this network, all subordinates under one superior communicate through him only. They are not allowed to talk among themselves. Circular In this type of network, the communication moves in circle. Each person is able to communicate with two adjoining persons only. Free flow In this network, each person can communicate with any other person freely. There is no restriction. Inverted V In this type of network, a subordinate is allowed to communicate with immediate superior as well as his superior’s superior also. Informal Communication is the communication which does no...

Process of Communication

               Communication is a process. We can define process as ‘ a systematic series of actions directed to some end’. So, that makes communication a series of actions which have a definite end. What are these actions? What is the chronology of those? You can watch the video above and see the detailed answers below. There are total 8 parts in a process of communication: Sender Encoding Message Medium Message Decoding Receiver Feedback 1) sender Sender is the person, group, machine etc who sends the message. Ex. A person speaking to other person, writer of an email 2) encoding Encoding is the process of formatting message. Ex. Converting thoughts into words or action, typing or writing it 3) message Message is the information or idea sender conveys. Ex. Content of an email, subject of a conversation 4) medium Medium is the channel through whi...

Personal letters samples

1. For wishing on Birthday [name of sender] [address] [date] [name of receiver] [address] Dear Friend, Today is a great day for all of us as it is your birthday. I wish you happy birthday with all my heart. I will pray to God that you may have a long and fulfilling life ahead. You are a great person and even greater friend. You have always been supportive to other people. You used to help us with studies and other stuff. I have always admired your simplicity and honesty. It makes my heart delighted whenever your birthday comes. We have celebrated many of your birthdays together. As I am away this year I cannot be present there physically, but my good wishes will be always there for you. May you have many happy returns of the day! Your best friend, [name of sender] 2. Inviting friend on educational book fair [name of sender] [address] [date] [name of receiver] [address] Dear Friend, Greetings! Hope you are well. I am enjoying my vacation here in Ahmedab...

Composing short messages

Composing short message: 1) Birthday - Dear friend, happy birthday! May you have all the blessings in the world. May your all dreams come true. May your life be peaceful, joyful and full of colours. Many returns of the day! 2) Diwali - Dear friend, wish you happy Diwali! May this festival of light makes your life bright as a lamp in darkness. May your new year be exciting like crackers. May your life be colourful like Rangolis. May yours and your family’s Diwali be a bringer of Auspicious time. 3) Death of a someone - Dear friend, the news of your father’s death shocked me and my family. We are so sorry for your loss. It must be a hard time for you. We offer our sympathies to you and your family. May his soul rest in peace! 4) Recovery of health - Dear friend, I just received news of your ill health. I hope you are doing well. I will pray to god that you recover as soon as possible. Don’t forget to take your treatments and medicine on time. Get well soon! ...

Formal letter for cancellation of reservation in a hotel

Kindly play following video: Cancellation of a reservation is as important as unfortunate it is. So, a manager would write a letter which will justify cancellation and will not spoil business relations with hotel. It is explained in the video.

Formal letters for reservation in a hotel

Kindly play following video: Hotel reservations are tricky for a company or corporation. For specific needs and bargain in price, formal letter is still a good way for corporate bookings. The video will show you how to write such letter.

Letter for Purchasing Goods: format & example

Play following video: Formal letters are written for official business. They represent a company's mode of communication. Letters for Purchasing Goods tend to be correct and precis as they have consequences in real world. Following particular format makes it easy for everyone to understand a letter.

Of Studies summary & analysis

kindly play following video for summary in Gujarati: STUDIES serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need proyning, by study; and studies themselves, do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without the...

Types of Communication

Kindly play following video for visual presentation of the topic: There are three way we can classify communication. First is according to direction of communication. There are three ways a communication can happen in an organisation. 1) Downward Downward communication refers to the flow of communication from higher to lower levels in hierarchy of communication. That means when people on higher post communicate with people on lower posts we can recognise it as downward communication. It can be assignments, message regarding a particular work, a statement of purpose for employees ‘roles in organisation or general instructions. 2) Upward Upward communication refers to flow of information from lower to higher levels in hierarchy of an organisation. That means when people on lower level posts communicate with people from higher level posts we can recognise it as upward communication. It can be question regarding work, complaints, requests from a subordinate to a...

Importance of Communication

kindly play following video for visual presentation on the topic: Communication is a transference of a message from a sender to receiver. We have established that communication is about passing information from one side to other side. We communicate almost every moment in our daily lives. From waking up to going to sleep we pass through hundreds of cycles of communications. By now we must understand that without communication our interactions with each other would not be possible. In an organisation, communication plays important role. It makes the daily routine of an organisation possible. Any organisation would follow certain chains in communications and would achieve better. Here is how communication becomes important in any organisation: 1) Basis for coordination/action                Communication is necessary to pass information. In organisation passing information becomes primary work as modern ...